In our central database (CRDB), you can find everything about the active number ranges, ported numbers and rates of service numbers in the Netherlands. Even if you are not a telecommunications provider, you may need this information. For example, because you handle the invoicing for telecommunication providers, or because you need this information for routing purposes.

How does it work?

The Routing and tariff information service allows you to retrieve the required files from our secured environment. We ensure that the files are updated daily and provide detailed descriptions and specifications of the files, to allow automated processing by your organisation. This way, you always have the information you need.

What do you get?

The Routing and tariff information is part of the Number Portability service. The Number portability service offers you direct access to our user-friendly web portal, provides you with all the tools you need.

More information?

Would you like more information about this service? Please contact us: +31(0)182 690 074.